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Thierry B Fine Art: The Shape of Things to Come

Plato once said that non-naturalistic images, such as circles, squares, triangles and so on, possess an absolute beauty. A painting can be appreciated for its line and colour alone - it doesn't need to depict an object or scene. Sometimes they may appear extremely distorted or exaggerated beyond the real. Take this recent installation of a living room I styled below for example.

The subject of the work is based on what you see: color, shapes, brushstrokes, size, scale and sometimes, the process.The Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky was a keen musician, he believed that colors provoke emotions. Red was lively and confident; Green was peaceful with inner strength; Blue was deep and supernatural; Yellow could be warm, exciting, disturbing or totally bonkers; and White seemed silent but full of possibilities.

He also assigned instrument tones to go with each color: Red sounded like a trumpet; Green sounded like a middle-position violin; Light Blue sounded like flute; Dark Blue sounded like a cello, Yellow sounded like a fanfare of trumpets; and White sounded like the pause in a harmonious melody. Nobody ever asks a musician what his works means?!!

Arguably, the most celebrated painter specialising in Abstract art, was also Russian-born Mark Rothko - amazing master of technique. Other geniuses are Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Jean Arp and too many to list here! Come and see what talented Abstract artists the gallery is supporting and visit Thierry B @ 531A High St Prahran 11-5pm Monday - Saturday.

Thierry xx

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Thierry B. Fine Art 

531A High Street Prahran Australia 3181

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