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Suzanna Lang                                                                   

Beauty found in the individual reaches out to embrace the universal, which it touches with sensitivity and longing. So is the art of Suzanna Lang, a painter's painter. Her abundance of talent marks her out as an artist of singular accomplishment. This is readily seen in the handling, fluidity and texture of her paint, subtle and sophisticated sense of colour, and explorations of form, all of which marries with the movements of her mind.   


Lang's intuitive sensibilities and intellectual gifts are in parallel with her considerable technical abilities, enabling her to present the complex in the simplest of terms, profound in their material and philosophical beauty. Put another way, she finds the universe in a grain of sand.  By knowing the small, she converses with the universal. She says that her art 'neither describes nor defines, but diminishes to the point of pure and sole designation.'


Understand that by casting reason aside and embracing the journey of being through the gentle means of intuition, allowing nothing to become everything. Her exemplary credentials are Japanese, especially Haiku poetry, an early apprenticeship in ceramics, and a youthful and personal exposure to the prodigal talents of Brett Whiteley through childhood friendship with his daughter, Arkie. All harmonize in the individuality of her art, as she confidently embraces both figuration and abstraction. One enlightens and entices the other.

Thierry B. Fine Art 

531A High Street Prahran Australia 3181

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